Transylvania County, NC, Democratic Party (TCDP)

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GOP Sabotaging Democracy

Our nation began to slowly heal and rebuild from COVID and yet another DISASTROUS Republican administration.

From day one, the Biden/Harris administration got to work undoing four years of broken promises, failed leadership, profound corruption, and egregious self-promotion by the former president. And through that work, our country has made strides in our recovery efforts:

  • we’ve gotten 200+ million shots in arms

  • we’ve made once-in-a-generation investments into our infrastructure

  • we’ve gotten Americans back to work and back on their feet

Even with the GOP’s constant roadblocks in our path towards progress, President Biden and Congressional Democrats have accomplished a tremendous amount in just one year. But without stronger support in the US Senate, President Biden’s agenda is stalled.

In November, we have the opportunity to send Biden reinforcements in the Senate, or hand control back to Mitch McConnell. If we lose just one seat in the Senate, we will have Majority Leader McConnell once again, and all of our progress will be at risk.

The progress we made this last year is nothing short of incredible, and none of that would have been possible without our team of grassroots staff and volunteers working our tails off. And now, we have to build on it this year to keep up our momentum.

Democracy is not a guarantee.

  • Your participation is needed.

  • Volunteer if you can.

  • Donate if you can.

  • Stay informed through multiple news outlets and sources.

  • Most importantly, Vote.