Transylvania County, NC, Democratic Party (TCDP)

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Infrastructure Law delivering for NC

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will bring $25 billion to airports around the country to address repair and maintenance backlogs and reduce congestion and emissions near ports and airports, including more than $458 million across North Carolina. The bill will also invest a landmark $17 billion in port infrastructure and waterways, strengthening our supply chains and supporting U.S. competitiveness.

Bottom line: President Biden and Democrats are working to get things done to improve the economy and North Carolinians’ daily lives. But Republicans who voted against it seem content doing absolutely nothing. They owe their constituents answers for opposing this critical funding.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a monumental step forward in America's pandemic recovery from the pandemic  – It will repair and rebuild the nation’s roads and bridges while strengthening resilience to climate change and creating good-paying, union jobs.

  • The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will:

    • Start to replace 100% of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines, so every American and every child can turn on the faucet and drink clean water – and tens of thousands of plumbers and pipefitters will get to work in good-paying jobs.

    • Make high speed internet affordable and available everywhere in America – urban, suburban, and rural – and create jobs laying down broadband lines.

    • Make the most significant investment in passenger rail in the past 50 years and in public transit ever, meaning Americans will be safer and get where they’re going faster.

    • Modernize our ports, airports and freight rail – to make it easier for companies to get goods to market, reduce supply chain bottlenecks we’re experiencing now, and lower costs for working families.

    • Build up our resilience for the next superstorm, drought, wildfire, and hurricane. It builds back our bridges, water systems, power lines and levees – better and stronger – so fewer Americans will be flooded out of their homes or lose power for days and weeks after a storm hits.

    • Create, for the first time ever, a true national network of charging stations for electric vehicles, so you can charge up and drive across the country – creating thousands of jobs for electrical workers. 

    • Make it possible for America to get off the sidelines and into the game on manufacturing; solar panels, wind turbines and batteries. It will enable us to store energy and power for electric vehicles, including electric school buses, which will mean millions of our children will no longer inhale dangerous exhaust from diesel school buses.

    • And, it will reward companies for paying good wages, and for buying American – sourcing their products from right here in America.

  • President Biden ran rebuilding the backbone of this nation — working people and the middle class. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law delivers on that long overdue promise. It will rebuild the economy from the bottom up and middle out, and create better jobs for millions of Americans.

  • And no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes.

  • Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 2022 will be the first year in 20 years where America’s infrastructure investments will grow FASTER than China's. With the investments in this bill, America will be on track to lead the world into the 21st century – with modern cars and trucks and transit systems.

  • And, together with the Build Back Better Act – millions of lives will be changed for the better.