Transylvania County, NC, Democratic Party (TCDP)

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Republican Commissioners Ignore Voters

Democrats, it’s time to save our democracy with your concrete and direct actions - starting here in Transylvania County. As you can see in the example below, in Transylvania County elected Republicans simply ignore our votes.

Facebook comments posted by Commissioner Chapman regarding our school bond for which over 60% of constituents voted:

“There will be a joint Board of Commissioners (BOC) and Board of Education (BOE) meeting on Jan 31 at 6:00 pm in the Commissioners’ chambers to review the status of the proposed Education Bond… the construction bids based on the original proposals came back $18m over the projected $68m approved bond.... (Since the)… bond was passed 3 years ago, about $3.2 million has been spent, and we are still modifying plans and citizens will not get all they voted for… The BOC is responsible for the financial process to get the bond money issued once the BOE is ready to move forward…

”As one Commissioner I have serious concerns… construction costs are at a record high… and there are (supply chain shortages)… Another concern I have is that the BOE has stated that even with these improvements to these 3 schools, there will still be needs for significant improvements not covered by the bond construction at these schools. It has been well documented that our 9 schools have significant needs related to maintenance and upgrades to the tune of $50-70m+… Where will that money come from as 6 of the schools get nothing related to the bond funds…

”The school bond that passed stated ‘$68,000,000 of bonds to pay the capital costs of constructing. improving. renovating, and equipping school facilities, including Brevard High School, Rosman High School and Rosman Middle School and acquiring land or rights in land required therefore.’ Note nothing in the bond proposal requires that all this money be only used for the 3 schools. As one Commissioner I feel we need to have serious discussions and input from our citizens as to how or if we go ahead now to spend this money in this environment, or as the(y) [sic] say, ‘regroup.’

Please contact all you BOC/BOE members with your thoughts or recommendations and attend or tune in to our meeting on the 31st. Last comment, this meeting is not a decision/voting meeting, it is an informational /discussion meeting for us and the public before we get back together soon to formally vote on our directions going forward.”

Larry is pulling the same stunt he pulled regarding the new courthouse location, when he falsely stated that no one had expressed opposition to moving our courthouse to Morris Road. We spoke up and he shut up.

Now he is falsely saying that people don’t want our school construction to move forward. We must speak up again. The school bond referendum passed with 60% of the vote. Commissioners immediately raised taxes to pay for them - millions of your tax dollars to pay for the bonds we voted for that Chapman now wants to refuse to issue. Email each commissioner and let them know where you stand on the school bonds. Tell them you expect the BOC to issue the bonds as approved by voters: construction at Rosman High, Rosman Middle, and Brevard High.

Transylvania County Board of Commissioners