District 11 Democratic Party Bimonthly Meeting
The District 11 bimonthly meeting will take place Wednesday, January 15 at 7pm.
For meeting link, see
We've all had a great break over the holidays and it's time to get into some "good trouble." We’re contacting all the wonderful volunteers who came out for our county during the election and inviting them to attend this meeting, especially all new volunteers.
Let’s all strive toward a common sense, lawful government body, that works for everyone - not just the top 1%.
Let’s bring all our best ideas to counter the decisions coming from Washington and our North Carolina Republican state legislature.
Anyone who is a registered Democrat is welcome to attend District Board meetings.
Letter from our State Party Chair, Anderson Clayton regarding Veto Override SB382
This is nothing short of revenge
Republicans just enacted revenge on the people of North Carolina for electing Democrats instead of extreme GOP candidates.
We won Governor. We won Attorney General. And we won the head of Public Schools. We won the right to the powers and duties of those offices. That’s what the people wanted, what they chose at the ballot box.
Instead of respecting the will of the people, the GOP went into a smoke-filled backroom and crafted a vengeful bill that gutted the powers of those offices and gave them to Republicans instead - and in their cowardice, they hid it behind the guise of a Hurricane Helene relief bill.
They seized a majority of the power, despite winning a minority of the votes. This is nothing short of authoritarian.
I am livid - and you should be, too. You were cheated of your power to vote on who is in charge of your governmental departments.
While this isn’t necessarily surprising from the party of insurrectionists, it is an entirely new low. We’re not going to let this stand.
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Statement from our Transylvania County Chair
following the November 2024 general election:
"They killed us, but they ain't whooped us yet.” William Faulkner.
Folks, I know how hard it is to accept the news today. I fear, as all of you must, for my country, my America, where all people are created equal.
But I think I know you well enough now to say that we won't run away from this loss. We will stay and fight again. And again. And again for as long as it takes.
I know I can speak for your leadership team, how deeply we appreciate all of you. Together for Transylvania (and for America), we did all we could do.
Thank you DEMOCRATS.
Thank you Christy, Rik, Bryan, Joe, David, Sara, Claudia, Mark and Adam. Thank your families for all of us. I know that you were the best candidates. I know how hard each of you worked Together for Transylvania. We celebrate you, your values and your hard work.
It is important to remember there are some big successes also - Mo Green is Superintendent of Public Instruction, Rachel Hunt is Lt Governor, Elaine Marshal remains Secretary of State, Allison Riggs remains on the NC Supreme Court and Jeff Jackson will serve as Attorney General. Our former Attorney General and now Governor Josh Stein will have the power to veto Republican extremist bills and have his veto sustained by the General Assembly because we broke the super majority in the NC House.
Finally, the 3 counties in our state which moved away from Trump the most were - Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania. Let's celebrate that.
Headquarters will remain open as will our hearts to you.
I will see you all Tuesday November 19th at 7 pm for our monthly meeting.
I am honored to have been Chair of you wonderful Democrats. Deda and I cherish all of you. and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
-Sam Edney
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Our local candidates who ran in 2024
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Moral Mondays
Our local chapter of NAACP hosts a Moral Mondays weekly gathering on Mondays in Brevard, NC for NAACP’s Moral Monday Witness
Meeting location: varies Meeting time: varies
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