News from the TCDP

Kayla Leed Kayla Leed

Know the Facts: US Economy

“Often elected leaders stretch the facts to fit a specific narrative. In recent weeks, national and local GOP leaders have bent over backward to make misleading statements about the US economy. Let’s have some straight talk…”

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Transylvania County Democratic Party Transylvania County Democratic Party

Trump is Destructive

Here is the truth: In 2020, President Biden received the most votes out of any U.S. presidential candidate ever, and Trump is a sore loser who is willing to destroy free and fair elections to hold onto power.

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Transylvania County Democratic Party Transylvania County Democratic Party

The Saga of Two Boards 

Sixty percent of the voters approved a school bond referendum for $68 million to repair and renovate Rosman Middle/High and Brevard High in 2018. Priorities included enhanced student safety and security at both schools, new high school classrooms in Rosman, and a new auxiliary gym and kitchen/cafeteria in Brevard. Five years later, none of that has happened.

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Transylvania County Democratic Party Transylvania County Democratic Party

Medicaid Expansion Q&A

Democrats fought to expand Medicaid coverage in North Carolina—and they delivered! In our state, 600,000 more people are eligible.

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Scott Kitchen Scott Kitchen

Democrats fight for Healthcare

North Carolina Republicans refused for more than 10 years to accept federal funding to help expand coverage to low-income people. 

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Transylvania County Democratic Party Transylvania County Democratic Party

Republican Secrets Harm Everyone

Republican leaders downplay charges of  “secret police” tactics, but their denials are unconvincing. The law authorizes Gov Ops staff to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a warrant. Contractors who run businesses out of their homes are not immune from Gov Ops raids. When Gov Ops agents enter a private residence, the person must stay quiet about the entry and cannot seek outside help. If the Gov Ops team deems them uncooperative, they could face criminal charges. 

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Guest User Guest User

Canvass For Democracy

Democrats have led the fight for Equality under the law for Women’s Rights, Civil Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Human Rights, and so much more. Without a strong Democracy, all of that is at risk.

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Scott Kitchen Scott Kitchen

Thank You!

This year's Freedom Festival was a huge success!  The people, the music, the food, the activities.  So many people.  All of the richness of the Brevard Community coming together.  And so many young people.  All we can say is WOW!!!

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Transylvania County Democratic Party Transylvania County Democratic Party

Democrats Tackle Climate Change

The Democratic Party’s multilayer approach involves growing our economy and combating climate change at the same time by investing in solar and wind energy, upgrading our power grid using 21st century technologies, retrofitting buildings and homes to be more energy efficient. Right now across North Carolina, charging stations for electric vehicles are being built with funds from the Inflation Reduction Act to pave the way for more EV use.

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