About the Transylvania County Democratic Party

The Transylvania County Democratic Party is committed to

Fostering a community that is inclusive, equitable, and vibrant. Our mission is to empower residents of Transylvania County through advocacy, education, and active engagement in the democratic process. We strive to promote social justice, protect the environment, and support policies that benefit all members of our community, particularly the most vulnerable. By mobilizing voters, supporting candidates who share our values, and working collaboratively with organizations and individuals, we aim to create a more progressive, prosperous, and united Transylvania County where every voice is heard, and every vote counts. Together, we are dedicated to building a brighter future for all, grounded in compassion, respect, and the unwavering belief in the power of collective action.

TCDP Leadership

Executive Board

Chair: Peter Offen | chair@transcodems.com
1st Vice Chair (Precincts): Peggy Reed | 1vc@transcodems.com
2nd Vice Chair (Training, Canvassing, Phonebanking): Sam Stites | 2vc@transcodems.com
3rd Vice Chair (Communications): Mary McKeller | 3vc@transcodems.com
Secretary: Cindy MacConnie | secretary@transcodems.com
Treasurer: Amy Parker | treasurer@transcodems.com

Committee Heads

Transylvania County Democratic Women’s Club: Alice Wellborn | alice.k.wellborn@gmail.com

Young Progressives: James Carli | YP@transcodems.com

Volunteer Coordinator: John Fenner | volunteers@transcodems.com

Precinct Chairs


Chair Ward Johnson | wardjohnson02@gmail.com | 828-533-8879


Co-Chair Wanda Foster | adnfoster1@gmail.com | 828-553-6474

Co-Chair Connie Parrish | parrishcz@gmail.com | 770-714-1525


Chair Kathleen Voltz | Brevard3precinct@gmail.com | 828-808-3357


Chair Julia Kennerly | meriwejm@aol.com | 828-384-1020

Boyd/Little River

Chair Pamela R Fry | fry_nursery@yahoo.com | 828-553-2835


Chair Jackie Jenkins | revjjenk65@gmail.com | 678-637-2582

Cedar Mountain/East Fork/Dunn’s Rock

Precinct Coordinator Judy Baghose | baghose@gmail.com

Pisgah Forest / Williamson Creek

Acting Chair David Smith | millersmith1@bellsouth.net | 828-384-8533

NCDEMS logo with an outline of North Carolina


The Transylvania County Democratic Party prioritizes inclusivity and hopes to organize more caucuses as we move forward. We currently seek individuals to organize and support the following caucuses: African American Caucus, College Democrats, Hispanic American Caucus, and LGBTQ+ Democrats.

In addition to adhering to all state party guidelines, we also work to create an environment in which every group can organize and be heard. Please visit the NC Democratic Party website to see a list of state caucuses. If you would like to help us organize one of these groups in Transylvania County, please contact us.

Protest sign reading 'Women's Rights Are Human Rights' in urban setting.

Transylvania County Democratic Women

Transylvania County Young Progressives logo featuring mountain landscape and trees with a sun or moon in the background.

Transylvania Young Progressives