December Jobs Report Proves That President Biden’s Economic Plan Is Working

The Biden-Harris Administration is delivering positive economic results across the country, in North Carolina, and right here in Transylvania County

Dateline: Brevard, NC; January 10, 2022 - “Today, thanks to President Biden and Democrats’ leadership, our economy is stronger than it was before the pandemic. Since President Biden took office, over 6.4 million jobs have been created and unemployment is now below 4 percent, the lowest of the pandemic. Across the country and in North Carolina, wages are up and one of the fastest economic recoveries in history continues to power ahead” said North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) Chair Bobbie Richardson.

She continued, “This record economic recovery is due to specific steps taken by the Biden-Harris administration to drive down the price of meat and poultry and to dramatically ease supply chain bottlenecks. While President Biden and Democrats remain laser-focused on creating an economy with more growth, higher wages, and more opportunity for all, Republicans are seizing every opportunity to root against our country’s remarkable economic comeback.”

In Transylvania County, the unemployment rate has dropped from 5.1% a year ago, when Biden was sworn in, to 3.0% in the most recent study. That’s a lower rate than before the pandemic, meaning our local economy has more than recovered, it has expanded. In fact, across the country, this is the most concentrated economic expansion in modern US history.

In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration got our country back on track with no help from Republicans in Congress. Results :

● The national unemployment rate fell to a historically low level of 3.9%, which is the largest calendar year decrease in unemployment in history.

● 6.4 million jobs were created, gaining 84% of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic. An average of 537,000 jobs were created per month.

● Our country saw the largest yearly increase in labor force participation since 1996. ● The Biden-Harris administration dramatically reduced hunger and child poverty, worker wages rose, and our economy rebounded faster than anyone predicted.

The Transylvania County Democratic Party is working for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every Transylvania County resident. You can read more on this and other issues and reach us via our website : .


Record Job Growth in 2021


FLASHBACK: GOP Said 3.9% Unemployment Was Great