GOP Values

Within 48 hours of the mass killing at a Christian school in Nashville TN, our North Carolina State Senate voted to override Gov Cooper’s veto of SB 41.

SB 41 eliminates the current requirement that people have a valid permit from their local sheriff’s office before purchasing or acquiring a handgun. Under SB 41, sheriffs will lose the authority to issue or deny these permits based on criminal background checks and determining the safety and character of applicants.

The legislation removes sheriffs’ authority to refuse a permit based on signs of mental illness, domestic abuse incidents that might not be captured in a national database, or other indicators that a person could be a danger to themselves or others.

The bill also allows guns on some school properties, increasing the chances that children can find or access firearms at a time where gun offenses and suicides among North Carolina children is increasing.

The 2023 North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force reports that gun deaths for children have increased dramatically—231.3% between 2012 and 2021. Guns are now the leading cause of injury/death for children in North Carolina, surpassing car accidents.

It matters who we elect.


Mark Robinson/Anti-Democracy


GOP in the Mirror