Republican County Commissioners Don't Care!

On Monday, October 11, 2021 - the Transylvania County Commissioners voted against the economic interests of Transylvania County and healthcare for those without insurance by not supporting Medicaid Expansion, also known as Closing the Coverage Gap in North Carolina. Don't let anyone tell you this was not important because it is critically important, life and death important to Single Moms, Families, Working Folks in Transylvania County who do not have health insurance.

In the last 2 months, 6 other WNC Republican County Commissioners PASSED resolutions in favor of expanding Medicaid BUT Transylvania County Republicans said NO -- this is an embarrassment. Their vote demonstrated their lack of compassion and understanding of the needs of their constituents. "In North Carolina politics, the issue of Medicaid expansion usually falls along rigid partisan lines: Democrats support it, Republicans oppose it. But Cooper held steadfast to the belief that this Republican region of the state could be persuaded to depart from the party line if only someone would give residents the straight facts."

As explained in a presentation Monday night to the Republican Commissioners, the coverage gap applies to people who make too much to be treated under Medicaid, but not enough to afford health care on their own.

"Currently, 15.7% of North Carolina women of childbearing age are uninsured. Closing the coverage gap would provide more young women with health insurance before they become pregnant, improving maternal and infant health outcomes for North Carolinians." "Medicaid provides health insurance to eligible women while they’re pregnant and for 60 days after they give birth. This program provides important prenatal and perinatal services, including education, counseling, behavioral intervention, and medical home visits. For example, participating women can access postpartum depression screenings and counseling, participate in tobacco cessation programs, and visit a doctor for concerns following the birth of their child. By providing North Carolina mothers with healthcare access, this program helps improve the health of women and children in our state."

"Yet the current available healthcare coverage is not enough. Compared to the national average, North Carolina mothers are more likely to die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. There are also stark racial disparities, with Black women having higher rates of maternal deaths compared to white women. Clearly, there is more that must be done to keep North Carolina’s mothers healthy and safe." "Pre-conception health plays an important role in influencing maternal and infant health outcomes. But many young women who may be thinking about starting a family don’t have access to affordable health insurance before they become pregnant. Closing the coverage gap represents an important opportunity to ensure that women are healthy before conception and in the early stages of pregnancy, increasing the likelihood of a safe and healthy birth."

Thank you Jake Dalton and David Guice for supporting and bringing up the resolution for consideration before all county commissioners for a vote.

Please email the Commissioners' highlighted below to express your disapproval.

  1. Jason Chappell

  2. Larry Chapman

  3. Teresa McCall

  4. Jake Dalton

  5. David Guice


County Commissioners’ Vote Against Healthcare For Working People


County Commissioners’ Vote Against Healthcare For Working People