Transylvania County, NC, Democratic Party (TCDP)

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Republicans Don't Care about Working People or their Healthcare

During the new year folks talk a lot about resolutions and goals.

And while it may be a new year, our goal hasn't changed: electing local and state democrats to office in 2022.

In 2021, Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan which increased the Child Tax Credit during the worst public health crisis in 100 years. And Democrats passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to repair our crumbling infrastructure expand Broadband and fight climate change.

Transylvania County has received $9 million dollars from the American Rescue Plan and Dogwood Health Trust. This money was provided by Democrats. Republicans voted against the American Rescue Plan.  

And in 2022, our sights are set even higher. But we won't be able to accomplish all that we have planned if we don't elect Democrats in our local and state races. Republicans have proven time and again, they don't care about working people or their healthcare.

Friends, our country, our county is divided and it’s not a two sided coin. Republicans have been in charge locally for decades. What do we have to show for it?

  • 18% higher property taxes.

  • School roofs still leak when it rains.

  • Construction at Rosman High, Rosman Middle School and Brevard High approved by 60% of voters has not begun.

  • In fact Commissioners have not even issued the bonds.

  • Court is being held at the Board of Elections building.

Republicans are against anything that creates a level playing field for working people.

Republican policies have hurt local working people:

  • Working people can’t afford health insurance. Republicans don’t care.

  • Working moms can’t afford child care. Republicans voted against $300 per month for working families. Republicans don’t care.

  • We have schools that are falling apart with leaking roofs. Republicans don’t care.

Working people deserve better.

Republicans are AGAINST:

  1. Expanding Medicaid

  2. The Child Tax Credit

  3. Covid Vaccinations

  4. The American Rescue Plan

  5. Infrastructure

  6. Affordable Child Care

  7. Public Education

  8. Build Back Better

  9. FACTS and Scientific Research

  10. Democracy

Republicans Voted AGAINST:

  1. Health insurance for working people.

  2. Lower prescription drug costs.

  3. $300 per month for working families with children.

  4. Expanding broadband in Transylvania County.

Republicans refused to issue School Bonds to remodel Rosman High, Rosman Middle and Brevard High BUT raised taxes to pay for it 4 years ago.

Americans have a choice at every election to elect candidates that put people first. As American citizens, we are responsible for voting, for choosing the better, qualified, caring, compassionate person for the office.

Republicans have proven their utter disdain for a democratic government. They want to be under an autocratic rule and that is frightening. We can do better, but you got to Vote.

You can't love your country only when you win.
You can't obey the law only when it's convenient.
You can't be patriotic when you embrace or enable lies.

President Biden on 1/6/22