Transylvania County Democrats announce 2022 Volunteers Kickoff Event, “Grow our Democracy”

The TCDP will kick off it’s recruitment and training of volunteers for the 2022 midterm elections with a celebratory training event at the Rogow Room at the County Library next Saturday, April 2nd

Dateline: Brevard, NC; March 21, 2022 - In order to build on the Biden Administration’s extraordinary success in rebuilding the American economy and the return of respect for America around the world, and to assure that President Biden can build bi-partisan support with a less obstructionist Congress, the Transylvania County Democratic Party will gather it’s volunteers from every precinct in the county for a kickoff celebration and training next week.

Volunteer Coordinator Ian Cowie explains, “The theme of the event, ‘Grow Our Democracy’ highlights the expanding nature of our democracy, and the need to tend to it as if nurturing a seedling plant so it can flourish. Local volunteers are the core of our political philosophy, and the key to our strategy to win local, state and national races.”

Volunteers will gather with their Precinct captains and Party leaders at the Rogow Room at the Transylvania Public Library at 9:00am on Saturday, April 2nd. The morning’s program includes motivational talks, introductions to the important tasks that lie ahead for the volunteer teams, organizational notes, a recognition of volunteers past and present, and a few surprises.

TCDP Chairman Sam Edney says he’s looking forward to the event. “Everyone has a vital role to grow our democracy. Our volunteers will be talking to their friends and neighbors about the Party’s values, about our accomplishments, introducing our fine candidates and their platforms, and to get out the vote. There’s so much mis-information and fear mongering out there from the opposition that it’s a challenge to set the record straight. We’re going to give our volunteers the tools and support they need so they can get out there and help Democrats win for the good of our county, our state, and our country.”


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