Transylvanians Deserve Better

It’s no surprise that Jeff Brewer, the architect of the most divisive local campaign in our county’s history, is at it again. Stoking flames where there’s no fire.

His most recent collection of quotes, “Democratic Party ‘unraveling,’” only shows how out of touch the local GOP is with issues that matter to our county.

The only thing “unraveling” in Transylvania County is the condition of our schools.

Despite Mr. Brewer’s insistence throughout 2024 that our county should be led by “natives,” our children have seen a catastrophic decline in quality of education under the leadership of the “natives” the local GOP puts up for election every cycle.

Our schools are in shambles to the point that inspectors won’t even step foot on the roof of Brevard High School’s “old gym.”

Let that sink in. An inspector won’t risk his life to assess the gym’s roof. Yet kids attend class under that roof.

Our county commissioners have so neglected local concerns that the Marine Corps ROTC can’t even meet to do pushups.

The TCGOP would like you to look the other way. They want you to focus on national politics because their commissioners cannot and have not delivered for our kids.

Mr. Brewer: Your politics don’t come before the safety of our children. They never will.

Since the school bond passed almost 7 years ago, the same commissioners have been responsible for making sure every person’s vote mattered. Our county trusted these commissioners to do right by our children.

And our GOP commissioners failed our county time and time again.

Consider this: When the school bond passed, $68M was enough to make a significant difference at our schools. It wouldn’t cover every need, but it was far better than where we find ourselves now.

And where are we now? We are negotiating with inspectors to even take one step onto the roof.

And what is actually crumbling? Here in Transylvania County, it’s our schools.

Mr. Brewer can take all of the victory laps he needs to feel good about the 2024 elections and his party’s wins. He can quote all the politicians who feel wronged to make him feel better.

But he can’t wish away the embarrassing condition of our schools—schools that were the pride of North Carolina before this GOP majority took control of the county commission.

Those of us who live, work, and raise families here, need results. So the next time Mr. Brewer and the TCGOP want to spike the football, they might want to consider Transylvanians, not their party’s talking points.

Our children deserve better.

-A Concerned Citizen


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