Vote FOR Natasha Marcus for NC State Insurance Commissioner

How Much Has ‘Rate Hike Mike’ Cost YOU?

State Senator Natasha Marcus, who is running for NC State Insurance Commissioner, calls her opponent “Rate Hike Mike”—and now, by going to, you can clearly see why.

Mike Causey, current Insurance Commissioner, has approved 16 insurance rate hikes — and without holding public hearings!

Want to know how much Causey has raised homeowners insurance rates in your area? Head over to, enter your county, and see the numbers for yourself.

You’ll also find information on how often insurers are using the shady Consent to Rate loophole that lets insurance companies charge you up to 250% of the maximum rate—a law that insurance companies are exploiting with gusto to rake in massive profits in North Carolina and which Causey worked to expand during his tenure.

Natasha Marcus made this data transparent and easily accessible by digging through Causey’s consent decrees and rate agreements with the insurance companies’ Rate Bureau.

Visit her campaign website,


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