Black History, Shine a Light

“Black History Month serves as both a celebration and a powerful reminder that Black history is American history, Black culture is American culture, and Black stories are essential to the ongoing story of America — our faults, our struggles, our progress, and our aspirations. Shining a light on Black history today is as important to understanding ourselves and growing stronger as a Nation as it has ever been. That is why it is essential that we take time to celebrate the immeasurable contributions of Black Americans, honor the legacies and achievements of generations past, reckon with centuries of injustice, and confront those injustices that still fester today. The long shadows of slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining — and the blight of systemic racism that still diminishes our Nation today — hold America back from reaching our full promise and potential. But by facing those tragedies openly and honestly and working together as one people to deliver on America’s promise of equity and dignity for all, we become a stronger Nation — a more perfect version of ourselves.” President Biden

North Carolina Democrats celebrate and honor #BlackHistoryMonth. We thank those who paved the way before us and inspired the generations to come. May we all be united in the pursuit for equality and teach our children that racism does not have a home In North Carolina.

For decades, Black Americans have led the fight for equal access to the ballot box. During #BlackHistoryMonth, honor and continue that legacy by volunteering to protect the vote. We are building up and maintaining our strong voter protection infrastructure to combat Republican misinformation and voter suppression, because we know our democracy is stronger when more people participate, not less. If you are not already, join us and let’s build a more inclusive, compassionate world together.

At The King Center — “Our mission is to empower people to create a just, humane, equitable and peaceful world by applying Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology (Nonviolence365).”

On the NAACP “History Explainedprovides an overview and understanding of Civil Rights Leaders, History of The Crisis, Legislative Milestones, The History of Lynchings, The March on Washington and so much more.

Black history is American history, but far too often the contributions of Black Americans have been neglected and ignored. The long march to freedom and equality begins with knowing our people's origins, struggles, and achievements. NAACP History Explained


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